Well-Living Tour with Luciana Whizar (1st Stop)

February 17th is the ‘Random Acts of Kindness Day’, where it is proposed to act from your maximum kindness, are you in?

According to the conclusions of the largest study on happiness and health (Harvard), it is known that people who have been kind are happier and healthier throughout their lives.

Kindness is an essential ingredient that brings balance, with a boomerang effect.

Sometimes our relationships, including the relationship we have with ourselves, are not the most healthy and correct, but we can and should learn to strengthen our relationships to be happier, regardless of whether we are in a couple or not, at home or in the office.

At ANDA we are committed to a happier, healthier, and more humane society. This upcoming Monday 13 February we open our doors to Luciana Whizar, with her Well-Living tour, she is a consultant, half Grenadian-Californian, expert in the science of happiness, Neuro wellness and Certified Happiness Coach.

She comes to bring to the ANDA community scientific, human and measurable tools to help find that which centuries ago was called happiness and today is better known as wellbeing. Will you join us?

We will talk about the current scientific definition of happiness, focusing on its main conclusions from positive psychology and neuroscience.

You will take away tips that you can apply in your day to day life, that will help you to be happier in spite of everything.

  • Date : 13 de February de 2023
  • Time : 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm (Europe/Madrid)
  • Venue : Avenida Andalucia, 5, Granada, España

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