Online Mindful Breakfast

We usually rush through breakfast, grab a quick coffee and maybe a snack without savouring what we eat.

How about sharing a space to have a breakfast (mini or big, you decide) and while we continue learning about mindful eating?

What do you need?
– Join the common room on Zoom at this link
– Slow down and dedicate that well-deserved hour just for you.
– Bring your chosen breakfast and start sharing.

It is not important the design or the content of your breakfast but how we will eat it… don’t be overwhelmed, it will only take a few minutes, then we will have a nice chat with questions, mini practices and topics related to mindfulness.

We look forward to seeing you at our Mindful Breakfast with Alicia Gambetta.

This Friday 10 Apr 2020 at 11:00am
Meeting ID: 871 352 416
Password: 803409

See you online!

  • Date : 10 de April de 2020
  • Time : 11:00 am - 12:30 pm (Europe/Madrid)
  • Venue : Avenida Andalucia, 5, Granada, España
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