Free Course on Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence Workshop #Free of charge

What is Emotional Intelligence?

What role does it play in your life?

How are you living your life?

Who are you, where are you heading?

Learn all of this and more in our free workshop, come to know yourself, refocus on your life and lead it, and know your emotions, your thoughts, and what they generate.

If you attend the free workshop you also will receive discounts on the III Edition of the course ‘How do you feel your life is at this moment’ and more surprises…

Ask for more information and book your place by writing to:

There are limited places, sign up now!


  • Date : 6 de October de 2017
  • Time : 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm (Europe/Madrid)
  • Venue : Avenida Andalucia, 5, Granada, España
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