Tell us something about you

My name is Sonny, I’m 29 and I come from Toulouse which is in the south of France. I left France last October to live in Scotland and Ireland.

What did you study?

I studied graphic design for two years and I also trained in community management and e-commerce.

What brought you to ANDA Cowork? / What is Capacity Ireland?

I found this internship organized by Capacity Ireland when I was living in Ireland. It’s an Erasmus+ exchange program offering three-month placements abroad, in this case, in Granada.

What kind of work did you do for Anda?

I did a variety of graphic design, photo, and video work, event organization, content management, editorial work and I also took part in an advertising campaign.

How did you like your experience at Anda?

It was interesting because I worked in several different areas and like versatility.

How do you like the place?

Anda’s coworking spaces are very clean, bright, and modern. I’ve had the opportunity to work in several different places, but my favorite workspace is Anda Nomad, which stands apart from the rest.

How did you experience life in Granada?

I really enjoyed living in Granada for three months, the city is very charming and very close to the mountains, which is great for getting out into nature. The people are generally very friendly and the lifestyle is very peaceful.

What was your favorite activity in Granada?

My favorite activity is simply getting lost in the streets, especially in Albaicin and Sacromonte.

What is the biggest difference to life in France?

I think the biggest difference is simply the mentality, people are much less stressed here and the lifestyle is slower.

And last one, tell us about a secret place or activity you found in Granada.

I really enjoyed going to see shows at Sala El Apeadero, a small alternative venue in Realejo that not everyone kwnos about.

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