1. What is ATG Analytical, and what does it do?

ATG Analytical is an IT company that is part of the Atarfil group, and arose from the need in data management, for the extraction of information to help improve and monitor industrial processes.

From this beginning and from the experience of its founders, who saw the potential of data as a competitive advantage, its spirit emerged, which is none other than to democratize and make more accessible the capture, processing, and extraction of knowledge from data.

Our services range from data acquisition, data processing, preparation, storage and management, to the implementation of cases based on visualizations, reports, or language models, the well-known LLM.

  1. What differentiates you from other data analytics companies?

The vast majority of companies focus on one of what we call the “legs of the data lifecycle”, either collecting the signals and storing them or simply managing the data but not going to the source to collect it, and others focus on creating AI-based models and applications. We provide end-to-end solutions so we avoid cost overruns when it comes to integrating different companies.

  1. What types of data do you usually analyze for your clients and how do you guarantee its accuracy and reliability?

We usually analyze from industry data coming from industrial sensing, public data, and more sensitive data such as personal data in which of course we always request or guarantee the work with anonymized data and tools that allow us and guarantee that the current legislation is complied with.

  1. What tools and technology does your team use for data collection, analysis, and visualization?

We tend to adapt to the needs of our clients and in the area of sensitization, we talk about our own developments. Still, in general, our solutions are focused on open source tools that allow us to adapt to the needs in a more flexible way and on the other hand to make the client’s costs focus on the work done rather than specific software licenses, making our prices competitive.

To give an example of a specific project in the industrial field, in one of our clients, we implemented data collection and storage with Wonderware (of which we are distributors), visualizations with Qlick View, Grafana, and the final implementation of models based on TensorFlow with final integration in Slack to report critical situations related to predictive maintenance. 

As another example, we can talk about cloud solutions where our recommended distributor is Google Cloud and its entire ecosystem of tools.

  1. How do you handle data security and privacy concerns when working with sensitive information?

The next step after identifying the context and the types of data which are involved is to close a confidentiality document where we commit to respect data privacy and security depending on the sensitivity of the data. From here the work begins, in the case of sensitive data, requesting data samples controlled and approved by the client and always requesting that the sensitive data be anonymized or pseudo-anonymized by the client or us.

Another factor that gives our clients peace of mind is that they are involved throughout the development phase thanks to the use of the “Agile” methodology that allows them not only to track but also to appreciate the progress of the project and its early correction of requirements if necessary.

How do you keep up to date with the latest trends and developments in the field of data analytics?

We subscribe to different specialized online publications and we are also technological partners of some companies with whom we have included training on the tools and their latest updates. We also try to attend congresses related to our field of work and we are open to collaborating with the University of Granada so that students can do their final degree project or their PhD with us.

  1. What is a virtual office and why did you choose to have one?

Basically, we understand the Virtual Office as having a space that allows us to have all the services of a traditional office but with flexibility. We chose it for this very reason. We can have a very professional space with all the usual services of an office, with the benefit of having a more affordable cost and the flexibility in the services we need at any given moment.


  1. How does having a virtual office benefit your company in terms of cost savings and efficiency, compared to a normal office space?

As I said, we only pay for what we use, which is already a big saving. It allows us to have a fiscal address and to have the team teleworking for 3 days a week and the other 2 working from the office or when we have an important meeting. It also allows us to have a space where our clients can find us in the city to have clear visibility.

  1. Why did you choose Anda Cowork to hire your Virtual Office?

It is in the heart of Granada with easy access to the highway which allows you to get anywhere very quickly. The facilities are amazing as are the services and the staff who is managing everything perfectly.

  1. Looking ahead, do you anticipate that your company will continue to rely on a Virtual Office service and, if so, how do you plan to leverage it further for your business objectives?

In principle, we will continue to rely on it because it is ideal for our business objectives, and because of its flexibility, it has managed to scale and adapt to our growth.

  1. What has been your general impression of hiring the Virtual Office service with AndaCowork?

The truth is very positive considering all the advantages of having an office where the cost is for the services used, and where you can be located both physically and in search engines. It is the best option for Startups or freelancers who do not need a lot of infrastructure and need a place to work, serve customers, and be easily located.



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