1. Tell us about yourself and your project

My name is Agnieszka Czubak but everyone calls me Aga, as it is much easier to pronounce outside of Poland At the beginning of the year, just before the Covid, I started the brand HOME FOREST focused on macrame, that is, an ancient technique of knotting just with your hands. Macrame is coming back into fashion lately and I think that now even more – because of the Covid and the confinements – it is an excellent hobby that can be done at home and with very few materials. I am about to open my on-line shop where I will be selling ready macrame decorations, DIY kits, patterns and cords.

2. Your work is very interesting, can you tell us what made you decide to start?

I was concerned about how many items, including home decorations, are imported all the way from China where employees are paid very poorly and the quality of materials and products is very low. I wanted to promote buying locally made products and quality decorations made from natural materials. This is how HOME FOREST was born – it is the consequence of my love for nature, sustainability and handcrafted creations.

3. What brought you closer to Anda Cowork?

I came for a networking event, but I have wanted to get to know this place for a while. I am very interested in coworking projects and I would love to support their development in Granada.

 4. What opinion did you have the first time you came to space?

I liked the large space and its modern style. I thought that it is well divided into several areas: a conference room, an individual work area as well as a space for rest.

 5. What can a workspace like Anda CoWork bring you?

Running my own business is something new for me and at the moment I run all aspects of the business myself: from creating the products, through packaging, to marketing and creating my website. It helps me a lot to be surrounded by other freelancers, creative people and with skills that I lack so that I am able to learn from them and exchange ideas. It also motivates me to work when I see other people around me focused on their work.

6. What message would you send to people who are thinking of moving their workspace to a coworking but have not yet decided?

Try it! There is nothing to lose and there is a great possibility that your professional network will expand and your work will improve, especially if you run your own business.


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